Startup Education Series

A week-by-week exploration of issues to help you build a successful startup

Ultimately our goal is to help every startup team through to a successful launch, well-positioned for your next steps. We have curated this series of videos to provide you with a weekly infusion of knowledge to orient you to the core issues that need your focus, frame the most important questions, and help you zero in on the answers to keep your team moving forward. 

Once you have begun working with the Venture Development team and have begun your path toward launch, we recommend that you follow the weekly schedule below, go through the content as a team, and use the knowledge you gain to develop your strategies. As you come up with additional questions, please don't hesitate to ask one of our team members for help. We're always here to help. 

Week 1: Company Formation    

Which type of entity should you form for your startup? LLC? S-Corp? Hear about the benefits and pitfalls of each. 

Week 2: Startup Governance 

Why do you need advisors and how can you go about securing them? Your existing team members probably don't have all the knowledge you need to succeed. Learn how the right team members can fill the gaps and drive success. 

Week 3: Team Formation 

Why do investors put so much weight on the quality of the team? Gain insights regarding co-founder relationships and how they're central to a startup's future success. 

Week 4: Startup Equity
What approaches can founders take when splitting equity? Split it upfront? Wait to get to know each other before finalizing the split? Learn about the many options open to you and weigh the benefits and drawbacks to an arrangement that benefits everyone.
Week 5: Key Agreements

The Founders Agreement captures the conclusions of discussions had between the founders on how they will own and operate the startup. What are the four key issues common to these agreements? Learn more.

Week 6: The Capitalization Table

A capitalization table, also known as a cap table, is a document that shows the equity capitalization for a company. Learn what they show, how to read them, and how to outline your strategy. 

Week 7: Fundraising

To get your startup off the ground, you and your founders may have contributed a small amount of capital to cover early expenses. Learn the ins and outs of putting the funds together you need for a healthy launch.

Week 8: IP Portfolio 

The Intellectual Property that you licensed into your startup may or may not be all the protection you will ever need to commercialize your technology. Learn the basics behind how to build and manage your IP portfolio. 

Let's get started! Contact us today, we're ready to talk with you and will always follow up within 48 hours.