Venture Capital

provides support for startups, and investors can realize significant returns by funding new businesses built on UArizona intellectual property. 

Investors benefit in a number of ways when they become involved with UArizona inventors, startups, and intellectual property: 

Leveraging technologies and inventions for your own portfolio 

Taking advantage of UArizona's facilities and resources to advance new ventures 

Serving as Commercialization Partners 

Gaining access to UArizona's innovation network and ecosystem 

Staying informed on emerging technologies and internal updates 

Start here:

Get an overview

New to Tech Launch Arizona? Start with an overview of who we are and what we do.  

Startup Portfolio

Check out our portfolio of over 100 startups.

Search Technologies

Search our complete online portfolio of inventions available for license. 


From the research to startups to impact, get the latest information to stay in the know. 

Annual Reports

Learn about our history and progress since we began in 2013.

UA Ecosystem Resources

Learn about our network and all the various resources and connections we’ve compiled to help move UArizona technologies into the marketplace for impact. 

Let’s get started!

Contact us today, we're ready to talk with you and will always follow up within 48 hours.