AZTC Southern Arizona Women in the Workforce

How to tell your story with a purpose graphic



3 – 5 p.m., Nov. 17, 2023

This is not a Tech Launch Arizona event.  To foster community in our ecosystem, we are sharing it on behalf of the Arizona Tech Council.

Embark on a journey to learn how to use storytelling techniques to highlight life experiences, challenges and growth in personal and professional narratives. The “Igniting Your Journey Through Storytelling” workshop, with a storytelling coach Mel Blumenthal, will teach you the neuroscience behind why sharing information in the form of stories is the most effective means of communication for both personal and professional communication and how to reach your audience by utilizing your end goal to frame your narrative in a relatable, engaging and transformative manner. The event also includes an interactive storytelling showcase, where attendees can share pivotal moments and learn how to apply the techniques. Conclude the afternoon by challenging yourself with actionable commitments to share stories and foster connections in both personal and professional realms.

Join us for an enchanting evening of empowerment and connection and let the storytelling magic begin!

About our presenter:

Mel is passionate about storytelling. She serves on the executive board of a storytelling organization (F*ST! Female Story Tellers) that empowers women by telling their stories, and teaches storytelling workshops at a local high school. She also leads corporate storytelling workshops for businesses to help with their marketing and branding strategies.

Mel’s “daytime” job is as President and Investment Advisor for her own advisory firm, Bloom Wealth Alliance. She offers her clients a custom-tailored road map for their financial future. She carefully listens to her clients’ dreams, goals, risk tolerances, and concerns to fully understand their wants and needs. She then combines her financial knowledge and experience with her clients’ wishes into a solid financial strategy to accomplish their vision.


3:00 – 3:30pm | Registration & Networking

3:30 – 3:40pm | Welcome and Introductions

3:45 – 4:45pm | “Igniting Your Journey Storytelling” Workshop by Mel Blumenthal

4:45 – 5:30pm | Networking


