Image Tech Blog: UA Professor Develops Terahertz Transistor Capable of Solving Problems in Quantum Computing June 27, 2016 Christopher Walker, Ph.D., a professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory, has developed a new transistor design that could be used for safer high-resolution medical imaging as well as security and radar imaging, spectroscopy and ultra-fast data links. Read more
Image UA Startup Delivers Real-Time Brain Chemistry Measurement Tools June 22, 2016 The University of Arizona has licensed a new technology for measuring brain chemistry to startup Knowmad Technologies. The invention enables researchers to monitor neurotransmitters in real-time in targeted regions of the brain simultaneously. Read more
Image UA College of Medicine – Phoenix Develops "Gut on a Chip" June 6, 2016 Scientists at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix, in partnership with the University of Luxembourg, have developed a new instrument for studying a biological model of the human gastrointestinal tract that mimics the actual conditions and processes that occur within the intestine. Read more
Image UA I-Corps Teams Get Funds to Find Customers for Inventions June 3, 2016 Using the Lean Launch curriculum, the UA NSF I-Corps program provides up to $2,250 in funding to help entrepreneurial teams with innovative technologies learn about their customers. Applications for the next cohort are due on June 24, 2016. Read more
Image Late UA Staffer's Invention Prototype Built and Tested May 19, 2016 VIDEO: Before he died unexpectedly, Alan Wall had an idea for a more efficient and less expensive way to clean chillers, and it stands as an example of how innovation can happen across the UA. Read more
Image Tech Blog: UA Researchers Repurpose Ketamine in Effort to Alleviate Parkinson’s Patients May 19, 2016 Parkinson’s disease often requires long-term use of levodopa, a therapy that can induce dyskinesia. To both treat and prevent levodopa-induced dyskinesia, two UA researchers have repurposed ketamine to improve Parkinson’s patients’ health and wellbeing. Read more
Image Asset Development Program Demonstrates Alignment of UA Inventions to Market Drivers May 16, 2016 UA faculty perform over $600 million in research each year, and often develop new inventions. TLA, via its Asset Development Program, puts resources toward preparing these unpolished inventions for the market. Read more
Image UA-developed Molecular Imaging Technology Licensed to Lightpoint Medical May 16, 2016 The UA has signed an exclusive license agreement for a molecular imaging technology, Beta Emission Tomography invented by Dr. Harrison Barrett, to Lightpoint Medical of Chesham, England. Read more
Image UA I-Squared Awards Honor Impact and Innovation in Technology Commercialization April 26, 2016 On April 25, 2016, TLA held its third annual awards event. The I-Squared Awards for Innovation and Impact honored those whose work directly affects the quality of life for people in Tucson, across Arizona and throughout the world. Read more
Image Startup Licenses UA Technology Targeting to Relieve Acute Depression Faster April 20, 2016 Akhu Therapeutics has licensed a UA technology that is targeted to allow doctors to relieve the symptoms of acute depression in a fraction of the time required for current therapies. Read more