Honoring top inventors and entrepreneurs dedicated to commercializing University of Arizona inventions





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Hong HuaInventor of the Year
AniviveStartup of the Year
Sara SheikhlaryStudent Innovator of the Year
TIMESTEPCampus Collaboration
Thomas R. Brown FoundationsEcosystem Impact
Thomas GroganThe David N. Allen Award for Leadership & Vision
The James E. Rogers College of Law#MADEITHAPPEN


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Floyd "Ski" ChiltonInventor of the Year
BG NetworksStartup of the Year
Ashlesha PatilStudent Innovator of the Year
UArizona Marketing & Brand ManagementCampus Collaboration
The Arizona Technology CouncilEcosystem Impact
Joann MacMaster, CEO, Desert AngelsThe David N. Allen Award for Leadership & Vision
The Science of Sport#MADEITHAPPEN


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Robin PoltInventor of the Year
Aqualung Therapeutics Corp.Startup of the Year
Joel BerksonStudent Innovator of the Year
The Office of the ProvostCampus Collaboration
The Flinn FoundationEcosystem Impact
Lawrence HeckerDavid N. Allen Award for Leadership & Vision
Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals#MADEITHAPPEN


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Sadhana RavishankarInventor of the Year
Botanisol AnalyticsStartup of the Year
Sahand Sabet Student Innovator of the Year
Mark Van DykeCampus Collaboration
Eric Smith, University of Arizona Center for Innovation Ecosystem Impact


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Jim Schwiegerling, James C. Wyant College of Optical SciencesInventor of the Year
Neuro-IDStartup of the Year
The TLA Commercialization PartnersEcosystem Impact
Carol Stewart, Tech Parks ArizonaAward for Campus Collaboration
Vinodh Subramanian, Systems and Industrial EngineeringStudent Inventor of the Year
Fletcher McCusker, UAVenture CapitalDavid N. Allen Award for Leadership & Vision

Louise Hecker, Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine 

Inventor of the Year 

Urbix Resources 

Startup of the Year 

Base Horner and Curtis Gunn, Desert Angels 

Ecosystem Impact 

Jennifer Barton, BIO5 Institute 

Campus Collaborator of the Year 

Dawson Baker, Optical Sciences 

Student Innovator of the Year 

James C. Wyant, College of Optical Sciences 

David N. Allen Award for Leadership & Vision 


Christopher Walker, Astronomy and Steward Observatory 

Inventor of the Year, Physical Sciences 

Frederic Zenhausern, College of Medicine – Phoenix 

Inventor of the Year, Life Sciences 


Startup of the Year 

Roger Miesfeld, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 

Campus Collaborator of the Year 

Fletcher McCusker 

Ecosystem Impact 

David N. Allen, Tech Launch Arizona 

David N. Allen Award for Leadership & Vision (Inaugural Year) 


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Douglas Loy, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Materials Science & Engineering 

Inventor of the Year, Physical Sciences 

Vijay Gokhale, Computational Chemistry, BIO5 Institute 

Inventor of the Year, Life Sciences 

MetOxs Solutions 

Startup of the Year 

The McGuire Center of Entrepreneurship 

Campus Collaborator of the Year 

Katina Koller, Northwire, Inc 

Ecosystem Impact of the Year 


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Jeffrey Pyun, Chemistry and Biochemistry 

I2 Award for Chemistry and Physical Sciences 

Laurence Hurley, Pharmacology and Toxicology 

I2 Award for Biomedicine 

Joseph Valacich, MIS 

I2 Award for Information Technology 

Dominic Gervasio, Chemical and Environmental Engineering 

I2 Award for Engineering 

Bibiana Law, Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences 

I2 Award for Agriculture and Life Sciences 

Laura Todd Johnson, Heather Gaines and Anne Stratman, UA Office of the General Counsel 

I2 Award for Campus Collaboration 

Manny Teran, Aztera 

I2 Award for Industry and Corporate Partnership 

Lawrence Hecker, Hecker PLLC 

I2 Award for Ecosystem Impact 

Victor Hruby, Chemistry and Biochemistry 

Award for Chemistry 

Eugene Gerner, Molecular Medicine 

Award for Biomedicine 

Yi-Chang Chiu, Civil Engineering 

Award for Information Technology 

Linda Powers, Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Award for Engineering 

Joel Cuello, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 

Award for Agriculture & Life Sciences 

Jason Dewland, Cindy Elliott, Sandra Kramer and Jennifer Martin, Arizona Libraries 

Award for Campus Collaboration 

David Hutchens, Tucson Electric Power 

Award for Industry & Corporate Partnership 

Oliver Davis, May Potenza, Baran & Gillespie 

Award for Ecosystem Impact 

Jeanne Pemberton, Chemistry and Biochemistry 

Cliff Coss 

Raina Maier, Soil, Water and Environmental Science 

Robin Polt, Chemistry and Biochemistry 

Catapult Award for Chemistry and Physical Sciences 

Marvin Slepian, Medicine and Biomedical Engineering 

Catapult Award for Biomedical & Life Sciences 

Richard Snodgrass, Computer Science 

Sauyma Debray, Computer Science 

Rui Zhang, Computer Science 

Catapult Award for Information Technology 

Assistant Professor Jonathan Sprinkle, Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Catapult Award for Engineering 

Fletcher McKusker and Kevin Boesen, Sinfoní­aRx 

Catapult Award for Industry & Corporate Partnership 

Patrick Marcus, Marcus Engineering LLC 

Catapult Award for Ecosystem Impact