Inspiration to Impact

From Great Ideas to Great Inventions

Inspiration to Impact Image


Noon – 1 p.m., Oct. 12, 2023

Where innovators come together to learn, share, and create a better world. (And enjoy a quick nibble.)

Join us for lunch. We’ll share a feast of great conversation.

Better tomorrows won’t just happen. Improving lives and solving humanity’s problems takes great ideas – and the follow-through to bring them to life. We’re here to help you #makeithappen.

On the Menu:

  • From Great Ideas to Great Inventions: How do you get started?
  • On Being an Inventor: What makes someone an inventor?
  • From You to the World: How do you take an invention from the university to the public?
  • Know Your Customers: How can you learn if there is an audience of people interested in your innovation?
  • Experts and Funding to Advance Inventions: What are all the resources that are available to help you move forward?

Join the Tech Launch Arizona team for a bite of lunch and a selection of helpful conversations. We’ll serve up quick intros to each of these menu items, and then focus the remainder of our time on answering YOUR great questions.

Space is limited!

