Innovation Fueled by Arizona

Licensee Logo Program

Innovation Fueled by Arizona logo

Through licensing, inventions created at the University of Arizona are fueling businesses around the state, the nation and the world. From making mines cleaner and safer to new diagnostics and novel drugs to treat diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s, companies are connecting with us to license technologies that they are taking forward into the marketplace to improve lives of people everywhere.

When you see the “Innovation Fueled by Arizona” logo, you know that the company displaying it is a U of A licensee; they have made the commitment to make a U of A invention part of their suite of products and take it forward into the world. This mark in no way represents an endorsement of the company or its products; it solely indicates that the displaying company is a U of A licensee. 

ONLY licensees of U of A inventions have the option to use this exclusive mark and permission for use must be granted through Tech Launch Arizona.

For questions about using the “Innovation Fueled by Arizona” logo – or to inquire about getting permission for your startup or company to use the mark on your website or in your communications – contact Paul Tumarkin, Assistant Director of Marketing & Communications at Tech Launch Arizona,


Usage License and Guidelines

Display of the "Innovation Fueled by Arizona" logo requires a signed usage license, and the mark must be displayed as is and unaltered using the artwork provided to program participants. This program does NOT provide permission to use any other U of A logos other than the exact versions that TLA will provide.

Contact Paul Tumarkin, Assistant Director of Marketing & Communications,, to learn how you can engage in this program. 

Minimum Sizes

Innovation Fueled by Arizona Logo with clear space

Minimum width of 2.5 inches or 240 pixels, and a height of .2" tall or 20 pixels tall.

To maintain full legibility, never reproduce the logos at sizes smaller than those listed below. These minimum sizes are meant for 300 dpi, high-quality printing and visibility on web pages.

Required Clear Space

Clear space must surround all Arizona logos (including unit logos) to ensure legibility and prominence. The size of the clear space around all logos must be at least the width of the top blue bar of the “Block A.”