Alex Damiano

Manager, Venture Development - Physical Sciences

Alex Damiano is the Tech Launch Arizona Venture Development Manager for Physical Sciences and Software. Prior to joining TLA, she spent 10 years working at biotechnology startups in the greater Boston area developing gene therapies and liquid biopsy-based cancer diagnostics. She held roles spanning research, project management, business strategy and operations, often wearing multiple hats to support company growth. 

Throughout her career Alex has worked at larger, venture-backed organizations in both pre-clinical and clinical stages; she also worked at an SBIR-funded company where she was employee #2 working directly with the company's founder on all things related to the business and technology. 

She has participated in a national NIH I-Corps serving as the team C-level executive, and is a co-inventor on a granted microfluidics patent. Alex holds a BS in biomedical engineering from Boston University and an MS in technology commercialization and entrepreneurship from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.