Ken Kashkin

Kenneth Kashkin has a career spanning more than two decades as a healthcare business senior executive and biotechnology investor. A recognized leader in the financing and management of research, development and commercialization organizations, he led divisions of Bayer, Abbott, Knoll/BASF Pharma, Ferring, Baxter, and was CEO and President of Catholic Health Initiatives (now CommunitySpirit) Institute for Research and Innovation. Ken led management teams at several biotech companies, including Nova (acquired by J&J), Chromocell, and Genaissance (led IPO). He identifies and invests in breakthrough innovations as a member of the New York City based MidAtlantic BioAngels (MABA). In 2017 Ken co-founded K2 with Jane Kiernan which partners with University and Academic Medical Centers (UAMC) to finance and progress their internal discoveries, innovations, and startup companies. K2 and its team of biotech and industry executives provide centralized resources and management teams to develop, market and commercialize the K2 UAMC portfolio until adequate valuations justify external investment or lead to acquisition. K2 is establishing a financial market attracted to the company’s de-risking and value creation capabilities. Ken is Board-Certified in Internal Medicine and Psychiatry, having trained at, and served on the faculties of, the UCLA and Yale University Schools of Medicine.