The Startup Hub: A Portal to Opportunities
Matching entrepreneurs and investors with high-potential, high-tech opportunities

The StartupHub is a web-based resource to connect high-tech entrepreneurs with promising inventions and startups. Through the site, we match the most promising inventions coming out of the university’s offices and laboratories with entrepreneurs outside the university who have the passion, talent, and experience to form startups to lead them forward.
- Browse opportunities in a variety of vertical markets, from biomedical to engineering to pharmaceuticals.
- Read easy-do-digest snapshots of each opportunity to help you quickly understand each opportunity, including problem, opportunity, challenge and status.
- Get to know the inventors, their innovations, and their visions for the future through short video profiles.
- Quickly connect with TLA team members to get your questions answered and deepen your exploration.
“Our goal is to maximize the societal impact of the world-class research taking place at the University of Arizona. University faculty, staff, and researchers produce hundreds of inventions each year, and this website is designed to connect high-potential inventing teams and inventions with investors, technology experts, and entrepreneurs looking for their next great business opportunity who can bring those innovations to fruition.”
-Bruce Burgess, Director of Venture Development, Tech Launch Arizona