Professor Roger Angel Honored as Fellow of National Academy of Inventors Dec. 13, 2017 Dr. Roger Angel, Regents’ Professor at the University of Arizona, has been named as a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors for his many contributions, from telescope mirror design to his ideas around sustainable energy. Read more
Image Tech Blog: Overhaul of UA International Travel Registry Shines Spotlight on Innovation in Office of Global Initiatives and Tech.Global Nov. 29, 2017 Ash Scheder Black, a data analyst within the Office of Global Initiatives (OGI), in conjunction with an OGI student program known as Tech.Global, developed a software solution to the current issues present in the UA's International Travel Registry system. Read more
Image UA Startup Licenses Natural Language Processing Algorithm Nov. 29, 2017 For a researcher, developing a holistic understanding of a field is an immense task. UA inventors have devised an automated system to extract information from literature and generate easily interpretable answers. Now, the UA has licensed it to their startup, Lum.AI. Read more
Image From Inventions to Assets: UA program funds early-stage technologies for commercialization Nov. 28, 2017 The goal of commercialization is to get the products of research out into the world for the public good. Asset Development funding helps develop early-stage technologies and make them more attractive for market adoption. The program is generating opportunities – and results. Read more
Bruce Wright Receives Award for Executive Leadership Nov. 3, 2017 UA Associate Vice President Bruce Wright received the COO/Leadership Equivalent Award for a non-profit organization during the 2017 Executive Excellence Award presented by Tucson Local Media and Inside Tucson Business. Read more
FY2017 Annual Report Oct. 31, 2017 Download the FY2017 Annual Report and review our progress against our 2020 vision and our metrics, the achievements of Tech Parks Arizona, and the big picture of the growth of the culture of commercialization throughout the University of Arizona ecosystem. Read more
Image Startup Regulonix Licenses University of Arizona Non-opioid Pain Drug Candidates Oct. 30, 2017 At a time when opioid addiction represents a major public health crisis, researchers in the UA College of Medicine – Tucson have invented a new class of non-opioid drug candidates to treat pain. The University has licensed the compounds to startup Regulonix. Read more
Image Startup Licenses University of Arizona Technology That Shortens Cancer Cell Life Oct. 27, 2017 The UA has licensed a drug that aims to shorten the lives of cancer cells to startup Reglagene. The technology, invented at the UA College of Pharmacy and the BIO5 Institute by Laurence Hurley, PhD, and Vijay Gokhale, PhD, has been shown to be effective in inducing cancer cells to grow old and die. Read more
Image UA Startup ProNeurogen Advances New Therapies for Vascular Dementia, Announces Award of Patents for Intellectual Property Oct. 25, 2017 UA College of Medicine – Tucson Professor Meredith Hay, PhD, and her colleagues started ProNeurogen to commercialize their inventions in neuroscience and cardiovascular neurophysiology. The UA has been awarded two patents for their approach to treating memory loss and cognitive impairment. Read more
Tech Blog: UA College of Nursing “Bed-Sled” Prevents Muscle Deconditioning & Deep Vein Thrombosis from Almost Anywhere Oct. 24, 2017 UA College of Nursing faculty Laura McRee has developed a resistance training device designed to target muscle deconditioning, venous stasis and further dangerous conditions. Read more