Image Bringing Experience, Energy and Humility to UArizona Startups: A Q&A with Mentor-in-Residence Manisha Narasimhan Nov. 19, 2021 Manisha Narasimhan’s resume tells the story of a young woman driven to succeed. As the newest Mentor-in-Residence with Tech Launch Arizona, Narasimhan works with University of Arizona startup teams working to bring UArizona inventions from the lab to the marketplace. Read more
Image Compound Developed at UArizona Health Sciences Provides Innovative Pain Relief Nov. 9, 2021 Entrepreneurial UArizona researchers have made a significant breakthrough on a safe and effective non-opioid pain reliever. The prestigious medical journal, Science Transitional Medicine, published the results of this breakthrough study in its November 2021 issue, representing a leap forward for the team's startup, Regulonix. Read more
Image University Startup Neuro-ID Secures $35M in Series B Funding Nov. 5, 2021 Neuro-ID, a startup commercializing technology developed at the University of Arizona Eller College of Management, has raised $35 million in Series B funding. The company was founded based on inventions stemming from research done by Joseph Valacich, professor of management information systems, and his former Ph.D. student Jeff Jenkins, now an associate professor of information systems at Bringham Young University. Read more
Image UArizona Students Gain Hands-on Entrepreneurial Experience Through Internship with High-tech Startups Nov. 2, 2021 Want to spend a summer working for a UArizona startup? Through a new internship offered through Tech Launch Arizona, students do just that, gaining real-world entrepreneurial experiences while contributing their skills to fast-moving, high-tech teams. Read more
Image UArizona Inventor Wins Back-to-Back Arizona Top Innovator Recognitions Oct. 14, 2021 The Arizona Technology Council and the Arizona Commerce Authority honored optical sciences professor Jim Schwiegerling with two awards: Inventor of the Year on October 6 in Tucson at the Southern AZ Tech + Business Expo, and Innovator of the Year - Academia on October 13 at the Governor's Celebration of Innovation in Phoenix. Read more
Image UArizona Launches Patent Coin Recognition Program Oct. 5, 2021 Tech Launch Arizona has kicked off a new UArizona program to recognize inventors who are named on issued patents. “The goal is to recognize the contributions of each inventor,” said TLA Assistant Vice President Doug Hockstad, “as well as elevate the visibility of patents and the impact of commercialization throughout our campus community.” Read more
Image UArizona Inventor of the Year Has a Message for Women Innovators: “The Sky is the Limit. Definitely go for it.” Sept. 28, 2021 On September 28, 2021, Tech Launch Arizona hosted its eighth annual I-Squared Awards and Expo event. Along with honoring the top inventors and entrepreneurs dedicated to commercializing UArizona inventions, the evening included an expo of innovations and startups hosted by entrepreneurial, innovative UArizona teams. Read more
Image UArizona Team Led by Architecture and Engineering Professors Wins $200,000 ‘American-Made Challenge’ E-ROBOT Prize Sept. 2, 2021 wall-EIFS, a robotically applied, 3D-sprayable exterior insulation and finish system for building envelope retrofits, is one of 10 finalist prize winners of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Envelope Retrofit Opportunities for Building Optimization Technologies Prize, or E-ROBOT Prize. Each finalist team is awarded $200,000. Read more
Image Cultivando Oportunidades: A Q&A with Student Entrepreneurial Fellow Eddie Hernandez Sept. 1, 2021 Born in Cumaná, Venezuela, Edmundo “Eddie” Hernandez came to the United States when he was four years old. Today, he has joined TLA as our latest Entrepreneurial Fellow, working with startup teams to help them move towards a successful launch. Read more
Image UArizona Researchers Develop First Regenerative, Safe Therapeutic for Alzheimer’s Disease Aug. 12, 2021 University of Arizona researchers have developed a new therapy for Alzheimer’s disease designed to restore cognitive function in early-stage patients. The therapy, University of Arizona Health Sciences Center for Innovation in Brain Science, is now proceeding through a Phase 2b clinical trial and has been licensed to startup NeuTherapeutics, Inc. Read more