Image UA Inventions Help Legally Blind to See July 23, 2019 For those who are legally blind or have impaired eyesight, low vision can have an immense impact on quality of life. Based on inventions developed in the Wyant College of Optical Sciences, a system from the eSight corporation is allowing people to see. Read more
Image From Invention to Impact: Illustrative Mathematics July 22, 2019 In 2014, Distinguished Professor Bill McCallum, now retired, started a new company dedicated to transforming mathematics education. Today, the company works with over 200 schools, and more than 2,000 teachers use its products. Watch the video! Read more
Image Tech Blog: New Drug Treatment for Ewing’s Sarcoma June 24, 2019 Funded by the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute at the NIH, Jacob Schwartz, Ph.D., professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the UA College of Science, has created a new drug treatment for cancer with a focus on Ewing’s sarcoma. Read more
Image Startup Licenses UA-engineered Solutions to Control Dust in a Dry World June 13, 2019 Biocompatible polymer solutions invented in the UA College of Engineering were licensed to startup Clean Earth Tech to address the challenge of keeping dust down for better human health. Read more
Image Tech Launch Arizona Welcomes Alumnus, Pharmaceutical Senior VP as Mentor-in-Residence June 7, 2019 University of Arizona Ph.D. returns to give back and build impactful, research-driven startups capping 30-year career in industry. Read more
Image Tech Blog: Automated Malware Detection for Life-Critical Systems May 28, 2019 With life-critical systems like pacemakers, insulin pumps and more, how can we protect users from malware? Roman Lysecky, PhD, professor at the UA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has created multi-modal software that allows the user to interact with the system through various modes, potentially saving lives. Read more
Image Startup to Commercialize Blood Test for Most Major Cancers May 21, 2019 UA researchers have developed a liquid biopsy screen that offers a way to detect and monitor cancer that is less invasive than traditional methods. They have launched DesertDx to bring the technology to the world. Read more
Image UA Student Rises to His Feet at Graduation with Help from Mom and UA Innovation May 16, 2019 With the help of an exoskeleton developed by his mom and a UA Engineering Design team, Jeffrey Bristol stood on May 11 to receive his diploma. With the help of Tech Launch Arizona, the UA is pursuing a patent for the exoskeleton and working to bring it to the world. Read more
Image Celebrate World Intellectual Property Day! April 26, 2019 World Intellectual Property Day recognizes the importance of IP rights and how they contribute to an innovative society. To the theme, check out these UA inventions to help people reach peak performance. Read more
Image Tech Blog: Pushing the Envelope of Chip-to-Chip Communication April 24, 2019 Funded by the US National Science Foundation, Kathleen Melde, PhD, professor and Prabhat Baniya, PhD candidate, have created a chip-level “add-on” module that enables (multi-core) chip-to-chip wireless communication using reconfigurable antennas. Check out our video interview with Kathie and Prabhat. Read more