Tech Launch Arizona Commercialization Partners Take On UA Startups Dec. 11, 2014 What are the ingredients for a successful university startup? When starting a new company like those based on research at the University of Arizona, TLA understands that startups require a number of unique elements for success, such as great marketable ideas and great leadership. Read more Image
UA Traffic Congestion App Receives Patent Nov. 18, 2014 An invention created by University of Arizona Civil Engineering associate professor, Dr. Yi-Chang Chiu, has received a patent for the “Active traffic and demand management system” he invented to increase the efficiency of existing transportation systems while at the same time easing traffic congestion. Read more Image
UA Invention-Turned-Startup Offers Revolutionary Eco-friendly Substitute for Cement Nov. 4, 2014 David Stone, Ph.D., won a student innovation competition with the invention of an eco-friendly substitute for cement. Today, that invention has been patented and is the basis for his new startup, Iron Shell, LLC. Read more Image
Biopharm Company Moves to Partner with UA Oct. 20, 2014 Teleost Biopharmaceutical is moving its headquarters from Boulder, Colorado to Tucson, Arizona to partner with the original UA inventors of the technology. Read more Image
Company to Commercialize UA-Invented Microvessel Technology Sept. 26, 2014 A technology developed at the University of Arizona offers an innovative way to grow vascularized human tissue – an advance that has applications in testing potential drug therapies and the development of treatments for cardiovascular disease. Read more
Biotech Company Based on UA Invention Works to Change Pest Control Sept. 24, 2014 Headquartered in Flagstaff, SenesTech is a platform bio-technology and research company that is commercializing an innovative technology for managing animal populations by targeting their ability to reproduce as opposed to lethally poisoning populations. Read more Image
Xtronaut: UA-born Company Brings Space Exploration to Classrooms Sept. 10, 2014 The University of Arizona has announced an agreement with Xtronaut Enterprises, Inc. to bring STEM-related educational and public outreach products related to the OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample return mission to classrooms everywhere. Read more
Innovation Center Receives Grant to Invest in Job Creators Sept. 8, 2014 Tech Parks Arizona is pleased to announce that the Arizona Center for Innovation (AzCI) is receiving a $50,000 grant from the US Small Business Administration. Read more Image
Two More High Tech Companies Choose the UA Tech Park and the University of Arizona Aug. 27, 2014 Tech Parks Arizona announced two new tenants at the UA Tech Park, Thompson-Wimmer and Cleveland Electric Laboratories. Read more