College of Science Lecture Series: Surprise Twists that Transformed Science

Put A Ring On It: Dating Trees, Volcanoes, and the Sun

College of Science Lecture Series Surprise Twists That Transformed Science


7 to 9 p.m., Feb. 14, 2024

Surprise Twists That Transformed Science | 2024 Lecture Series

We look forward to welcoming audiences back to Centennial Hall for the College of Science Lecture Series! Opening night of the Surprise Twists That Transformed Science series is Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at 7:00pm with subsequent talks February 14, 21 and 28.

February 14, 2024 | Charlotte Pearson

Charlotte Pearson

Put A Ring On It: Dating Trees, Volcanoes, and the Sun

When tree-ring scientists 'put a ring on it' they apply an exact calendar date to a band of tree growth. This band can be unpacked and used as a dated time-capsule through history where we can explore past events and make future predictions. Explore the inside of a tree with Dr. Pearson of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research and discover the surprising twists that emerged from the development of tree-ring science at the University of Arizona.

Click here to RSVP for the lecture series
