For our 10th anniversary, we interviewed Rakhi Gibbons, TLA's director of licensing and intellectual property. Rakhi talks about the changes she has seen over the past decade as a result of the work and advocacy of the office. She especially notes the cultural change that has taken place throughout campus in terms of how the attitudes toward and engagement in commercialization have changed for the better.

"It's been an amazing journey with the faculty and researchers and students that we serve." –Rakhi Gibbons

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So I've seen a lot of changes over the last ten years, and it's been an amazing journey with the faculty and researchers and students that we serve. There was a lot of skepticism on campus when Tech Launch was first started. There was a lot of support, too, from leadership, but the faculty weren't quite there yet with this new entity that was going to push commercialization and really have everyone dream big and be an innovative university.

It didn't happen overnight, and it took a lot of work on the part of our team to make that culture change happen.

It's been about making an impact, making a diffrerence, and seeing the technologies and the wonderful research happening at the university actually get out to taxpayers, to the public, to the patients, to help the world.

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